Client Class

extends EventEmitter


  • eventManager: EventManager
  • options: ClientOptions
  • polling: PollingManager
  • rest: RestManager
  • token: string
  • webhook: WebhookManager
  • captureRejectionSymbol:
  • captureRejections: boolean
  • defaultMaxListeners: number
  • errorMonitor:


  • [captureRejectionSymbol](error: Error, event: string, args: undefined)
  • addListener(eventName: undefined, listener: undefined)
  • addStickerToSet(userId: number, name: string, sticker: InputSticker)
  • answerCallbackQuery(callbackQueryId: string, options?: CallbackQueryAnswerOptions)
  • answerPreCheckoutQuery(preCheckoutQueryId: string, ok: boolean, options?: PreCheckoutQueryAnswerOptions)
  • answerShippingQuery(shippingQueryId: string, ok: boolean, options: ShippingQueryAnswerOptions)
  • answerWebAppQuery(webAppQueryId: string, result: InlineQueryResult)
  • approveChatJoinRequest(chatId: ChatId, userId: number)
  • banChatMember(chatId: ChatId, userId: number, options?: ChatMemberBanOptions)
  • banChatSenderChat(chatId: ChatId, senderId: number)
  • close()
  • closeForumTopic(chatId: ChatId, forumTopicId: number)
  • closeGeneralForumTopic(chatId: ChatId)
  • copyMessage(fromChatId: ChatId, messageId: number, chatId: ChatId, options?: MessageCopyOptions)
  • createChatInviteLink(chatId: ChatId, options?: ChatInviteLinkCreateOptions)
  • createForumTopic(chatId: ChatId, name: string, options: ForumTopicCreateOptions)
  • createInvoiceLink(options: InvoiceLinkCreateOptions)
  • createNewStickerSet(options: StickerSetCreateOptions)
  • declineChatJoinRequest(chatId: ChatId, userId: number)
  • deleteChatPhoto(chatId: ChatId)
  • deleteChatStickerSet(chatId: ChatId)
  • deleteForumTopic(chatId: ChatId, forumTopicId: number)
  • deleteMessage(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number)
  • deleteMessages(chatId: ChatId, messageIds: undefined)
  • deleteMyCommands(options?: MyCommandsDeleteOptions)
  • deleteStickerFromSet(sticker: string)
  • deleteStickerSet(name: string)
  • editChatInviteLink(chatId: ChatId, inviteLink: string, options?: ChatInviteLinkEditOptions)
  • editForumTopic(chatId: ChatId, forumTopicId: number, options: ForumTopicEditOptions)
  • editGeneralForumTopic(chatId: ChatId, options: GeneralForumTopicEditOptions)
  • editInlineMessageCaption(inlineMessageId: string, caption: undefined, options?: MessageEditCaptionOptions)
  • editInlineMessageMedia(inlineMessageId: string, media: InputMedia, options?: MessageEditMediaOptions)
  • editInlineMessageReplyMarkup(inlineMessageId: string, replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, options?: MessageEditReplyMarkupOptions)
  • editInlineMessageText(inlineMessageId: string, text: string, options?: MessageEditTextOptions)
  • editMessageCaption(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, caption: undefined, options?: MessageEditCaptionOptions)
  • editMessageMedia(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, media: InputMedia, options?: MessageEditMediaOptions)
  • editMessageReplyMarkup(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, replyMarkup: InlineKeyboardMarkup, options?: MessageEditReplyMarkupOptions)
  • editMessageText(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, text: string, options?: MessageEditTextOptions)
  • emit(eventName: undefined, args: undefined)
  • eventNames()
  • exportChatInviteLink(chatId: ChatId)
  • forwardMessage(fromChatId: ChatId, messageId: number, chatId: ChatId, options?: MessageForwardOptions)
  • getBusinessConnection(businessConnectionId: string)
  • getChat(chatId: ChatId)
  • getChatAdministrators(chatId: ChatId)
  • getChatMember(chatId: ChatId, userId: number)
  • getChatMemberCount(chatId: ChatId)
  • getChatMenuButton(chatId?: ChatId)
  • getCustomEmojiStickers(customEmojiIds: undefined)
  • getFile(fileId: string)
  • getForumTopicIconStickers()
  • getGameHighScores(userId: number, options?: GameHighScoreGetOptions)
  • getMaxListeners()
  • getMe()
  • getMyCommands(options?: MyCommandsGetOptions)
  • getMyDefaultAdministratorRights(options?: MyDefaultAdministratorRightsSetOptions)
  • getMyDescription(languageCode?: string)
  • getMyName(languageCode?: string)
  • getMyShortDescription(languageCode?: string)
  • getStarTransactions(options: StarTransactionsGetOptions)
  • getStickerSet(name: string)
  • getUpdates()
  • getUserChatBoosts(chatId: ChatId, userId: number)
  • getUserProfilePhotos(userId: number, options?: UserProfilePhotosGetOptions)
  • hideGeneralForumTopic(chatId: ChatId)
  • leaveChat(chatId: ChatId)
  • listenerCount(eventName: undefined, listener?: Function)
  • listeners(eventName: undefined)
  • logOut()
  • off(eventName: undefined, listener: undefined)
  • on(event: K, listener: undefined)
  • once(event: K, listener: undefined)
  • pinChatMessage(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, options?: ChatMessagePinOptions)
  • prependListener(eventName: undefined, listener: undefined)
  • prependOnceListener(eventName: undefined, listener: undefined)
  • promoteChatMember(chatId: ChatId, userId: number, options?: ChatMemberPromoteOptions)
  • rawListeners(eventName: undefined)
  • refundStarPayment(userId: number, telegramPaymentChargeId: string)
  • removeAllListeners(event?: undefined)
  • removeListener(eventName: undefined, listener: undefined)
  • reopenForumTopic(chatId: ChatId, forumTopicId: number)
  • reopenGeneralForumTopic(chatId: ChatId)
  • restrictChatMember(chatId: ChatId, userId: number, permissions: ChatPermissions, options?: ChatMemberRestrictOptions)
  • revokeChatInviteLink(chatId: ChatId, inviteLink: string)
  • sendAnimation(chatId: ChatId, animation: string, options?: AnimationMessageSendOptions)
  • sendAudio(chatId: ChatId, audio: string, options?: AudioMessageSendOptions)
  • sendChatAction(chatId: ChatId, action: ChatAction, options?: ChatActionSendOptions)
  • sendContact(chatId: ChatId, contact: ContactOptions, options?: ContactMessageSendOptions)
  • sendDice(chatId: ChatId, emoji?: DiceEmoji, options?: DiceMessageSendOptions)
  • sendDocument(chatId: ChatId, document: string, options?: DocumentMessageSendOptions)
  • sendGame(chatId: ChatId, gameShortName: string, options?: GameSendOptions)
  • sendInvoice(chatId: ChatId, options: InvoiceSendOptions)
  • sendLocation(chatId: ChatId, latitude: number, longitude: number, options?: LocationMessageSendOptions)
  • sendMediaGroup(chatId: ChatId, media: undefined, options?: MediaGroupMessageSendOptions)
  • sendMessage(chatId: ChatId, text: string, options?: TextMessageSendOptions)
  • sendPhoto(chatId: ChatId, photo: string, options?: PhotoMessageSendOptions)
  • sendPoll(chatId: ChatId, poll: PollOptions, options?: PollMessageSendOptions)
  • sendSticker(chatId: ChatId, sticker: string, options?: StickerSendOptions)
  • sendVenue(chatId: ChatId, venue: VenueOptions, options?: VenueMessageSendOptions)
  • sendVideo(chatId: ChatId, video: string, options?: VideoMessageSendOptions)
  • sendVideoNote(chatId: ChatId, videoNote: string, options?: VideoNoteMessageSendOptions)
  • sendVoice(chatId: ChatId, voice: string, options?: VoiceMessageSendOptions)
  • setChatAdministratorCustomTitle(chatId: ChatId, userId: number, customTitle: string)
  • setChatDescription(chatId: ChatId, description: string)
  • setChatMenuButton(chatId?: ChatId, menuButton?: MenuButton)
  • setChatPermissions(chatId: ChatId, permissions: ChatPermissions)
  • setChatPhoto(chatId: ChatId, photo: string)
  • setChatStickerSet(chatId: ChatId, stickerSetName: string)
  • setChatTitle(chatId: ChatId, title: string)
  • setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail(name: string, customEmojiId?: string)
  • setGameScore(userId: number, score: number, options?: GameScoreSetOptions)
  • setMaxListeners(n: number)
  • setMessageReaction(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, reaction?: undefined, options?: MessageReactionSetOptons)
  • setMyCommands(commands: undefined, options?: MyCommandsSetOptions)
  • setMyDefaultAdministratorRights(rights: ChatAdministratorRights, options?: MyDefaultAdministratorRightsSetOptions)
  • setMyDescription(description?: string, languageCode?: string)
  • setMyName(name?: string, languageCode?: string)
  • setMyShortDescription(shortDescription?: string, languageCode?: string)
  • setPassportDataErrors(userId: number, errors: undefined)
  • setStickerEmojiList(sticker: string, emojiList: undefined)
  • setStickerKeywords(sticker: string, keywords: undefined)
  • setStickerMaskPosition(sticker: string, maskPosition: MaskPosition)
  • setStickerPositionInSet(sticker: string, position: number)
  • setStickerSetThumbnail(name: string, userId: number, thumbnail?: string)
  • setStickerTitle(sticker: string, title: string)
  • stopPoll(chatId: ChatId, messageId: number, options?: PollStopOptions)
  • unbanChatMember(chatId: ChatId, userId: number, options?: ChatMemberUnbanOptions)
  • unbanChatSenderChat(chatId: ChatId, senderId: number)
  • unhideGeneralForumTopic(chatId: ChatId)
  • unpinAllChatMessages(chatId: ChatId)
  • unpinAllForumTopicMessages(chatId: ChatId, forumTopicId: number)
  • unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages(chatId: ChatId)
  • unpinChatMessage(chatId: ChatId, messageId?: number)
  • uploadStickerFile(userId: number, sticker: string, stickerFormat: StickerFormat)
  • addAbortListener(signal: AbortSignal, resource: undefined)
  • getEventListeners(emitter: undefined, name: undefined)
  • getMaxListeners(emitter: undefined)
  • listenerCount(emitter: EventEmitter, eventName: undefined)
  • on(emitter: EventEmitter, eventName: string, options?: StaticEventEmitterOptions)
  • once(emitter: _NodeEventTarget, eventName: undefined, options?: StaticEventEmitterOptions)
  • setMaxListeners(n?: number, eventTargets: undefined)
  "id": 1,
  "name": "Client",
  "variant": "declaration",
  "kind": 128,
  "flags": {},
  "children": [
      "id": 42,
      "name": "constructor",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 512,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 117,
          "character": 1
      "signatures": [
          "id": 43,
          "name": "new Client",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 16384,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 117,
              "character": 1
          "parameters": [
              "id": 44,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2094,
                "name": "ClientOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "defaultValue": "{}"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": 1,
            "name": "Client",
            "package": "tgkit",
            "qualifiedName": "default"
          "overwrites": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.constructor"
      "overwrites": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.constructor"
      "id": 49,
      "name": "eventManager",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 114,
          "character": 1
      "type": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": {
          "sourceFileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Events/EventManager.ts",
          "qualifiedName": "default"
        "name": "EventManager",
        "package": "tgkit",
        "qualifiedName": "default"
      "id": 45,
      "name": "options",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 110,
          "character": 1
      "type": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": 2094,
        "name": "ClientOptions",
        "package": "tgkit"
      "id": 48,
      "name": "polling",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 113,
          "character": 1
      "type": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": {
          "sourceFileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/PollingManager.ts",
          "qualifiedName": "default"
        "name": "PollingManager",
        "package": "tgkit",
        "qualifiedName": "default"
      "id": 47,
      "name": "rest",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 112,
          "character": 1
      "type": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": {
          "sourceFileName": "packages/tgkit/src/rest/RestManager.ts",
          "qualifiedName": "default"
        "name": "RestManager",
        "package": "tgkit",
        "qualifiedName": "default"
      "id": 46,
      "name": "token",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {
        "isOptional": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 111,
          "character": 1
      "type": {
        "type": "intrinsic",
        "name": "string"
      "id": 50,
      "name": "webhook",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 115,
          "character": 1
      "type": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": {
          "sourceFileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/WebhookManager.ts",
          "qualifiedName": "default"
        "name": "WebhookManager",
        "package": "tgkit",
        "qualifiedName": "default"
      "id": 39,
      "name": "captureRejectionSymbol",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isReadonly": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 405,
          "character": 24
      "type": {
        "type": "query",
        "queryType": {
          "type": "reference",
          "target": 39,
          "name": "captureRejectionSymbol",
          "package": "@types/node",
          "qualifiedName": "EventEmitter.captureRejectionSymbol"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.captureRejectionSymbol"
      "id": 40,
      "name": "captureRejections",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "comment": {
        "summary": [
            "kind": "text",
            "text": "Sets or gets the default captureRejection value for all emitters."
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 410,
          "character": 15
      "type": {
        "type": "intrinsic",
        "name": "boolean"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.captureRejections"
      "id": 41,
      "name": "defaultMaxListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 411,
          "character": 15
      "type": {
        "type": "intrinsic",
        "name": "number"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners"
      "id": 38,
      "name": "errorMonitor",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 1024,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isReadonly": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "comment": {
        "summary": [
            "kind": "text",
            "text": "This symbol shall be used to install a listener for only monitoring "
            "kind": "code",
            "text": "`'error'`"
            "kind": "text",
            "text": "\nevents. Listeners installed using this symbol are called before the regular\n"
            "kind": "code",
            "text": "`'error'`"
            "kind": "text",
            "text": " listeners are called.\n\nInstalling a listener using this symbol does not change the behavior once an\n"
            "kind": "code",
            "text": "`'error'`"
            "kind": "text",
            "text": " event is emitted, therefore the process will still crash if no\nregular "
            "kind": "code",
            "text": "`'error'`"
            "kind": "text",
            "text": " listener is installed."
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 404,
          "character": 24
      "type": {
        "type": "query",
        "queryType": {
          "type": "reference",
          "target": 38,
          "name": "errorMonitor",
          "package": "@types/node",
          "qualifiedName": "EventEmitter.errorMonitor"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.errorMonitor"
      "id": 553,
      "name": "[captureRejectionSymbol]",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isOptional": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 115,
          "character": 8
      "signatures": [
          "id": 554,
          "name": "[captureRejectionSymbol]",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 115,
              "character": 8
          "parameters": [
              "id": 555,
              "name": "error",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "Error"
                "name": "Error",
                "package": "typescript"
              "id": 556,
              "name": "event",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 557,
              "name": "args",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isRest": true
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "any"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "void"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.[captureRejectionSymbol]"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.[captureRejectionSymbol]"
      "id": 558,
      "name": "addListener",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 475,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 559,
          "name": "addListener",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Alias for "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.on(eventName, listener)`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.1.26"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 475,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 560,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 561,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 562,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {
                    "isExternal": true
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "line": 475,
                      "character": 66
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 563,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {
                        "isExternal": true
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                          "line": 475,
                          "character": 66
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 564,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isExternal": true,
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "elementType": {
                              "type": "intrinsic",
                              "name": "any"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.addListener"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.addListener"
      "id": 451,
      "name": "addStickerToSet",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1502,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 452,
          "name": "addStickerToSet",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1502,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 453,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 454,
              "name": "name",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 455,
              "name": "sticker",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2555,
                "name": "InputSticker",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 319,
      "name": "answerCallbackQuery",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1015,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 320,
          "name": "answerCallbackQuery",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1015,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 321,
              "name": "callbackQueryId",
              "variant": "param",
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      "id": 186,
      "name": "banChatSenderChat",
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            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 57,
      "name": "close",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 165,
          "character": 7
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          "name": "close",
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          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Use this method to close the bot instance before moving it from one local server to another.\nYou need to delete the webhook before calling this method to ensure\nthat the bot isn't launched again after server restart.\nThe method will return error 429 in the first 10 minutes after the bot is launched."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 165,
              "character": 7
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 284,
      "name": "closeForumTopic",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 950,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 285,
          "name": "closeForumTopic",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 950,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 286,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 287,
              "name": "forumTopicId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 304,
      "name": "closeGeneralForumTopic",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 985,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 305,
          "name": "closeGeneralForumTopic",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 985,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 306,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 70,
      "name": "copyMessage",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 237,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 71,
          "name": "copyMessage",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Copy message of any kind.\nService messages and invoice messages can't be copied.\nA quiz poll can be copied only if the value of the field 'correctOptionId' is known to the bot.\nThe method is analogous to the method forwardMessage, but the copied message doesn't have a link\nto the original message."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 237,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 72,
              "name": "fromChatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 73,
              "name": "messageId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 74,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 75,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2321,
                "name": "MessageCopyOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 201,
      "name": "createChatInviteLink",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 763,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 202,
          "name": "createChatInviteLink",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 763,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 203,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 204,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2417,
                "name": "ChatInviteLinkCreateOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1142,
                "name": "ChatInviteLink",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 274,
      "name": "createForumTopic",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 930,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 275,
          "name": "createForumTopic",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 930,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 276,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 277,
              "name": "name",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 278,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2568,
                "name": "ForumTopicCreateOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1295,
                "name": "ForumTopic",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 499,
      "name": "createInvoiceLink",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1646,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 500,
          "name": "createInvoiceLink",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Create a link for an invoice."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The created invoice link"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1646,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 501,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2522,
                "name": "InvoiceLinkCreateOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 448,
      "name": "createNewStickerSet",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1478,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 449,
          "name": "createNewStickerSet",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1478,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 450,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2560,
                "name": "StickerSetCreateOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 218,
      "name": "declineChatJoinRequest",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 804,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 219,
          "name": "declineChatJoinRequest",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 804,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 220,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 221,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
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            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 226,
      "name": "deleteChatPhoto",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 818,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 227,
          "name": "deleteChatPhoto",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 818,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 228,
              "name": "chatId",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
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              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
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                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 402,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
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                "name": "MessageEditMediaOptions",
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            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
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                "type": "intrinsic",
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            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 408,
      "name": "editMessageReplyMarkup",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1395,
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              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1395,
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              "id": 410,
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                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 375,
      "name": "editMessageText",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
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          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
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              "line": 1279,
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              "id": 377,
              "name": "chatId",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
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                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 378,
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
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              "id": 379,
              "name": "text",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
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              "id": 380,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2453,
                "name": "MessageEditTextOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
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                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 593,
      "name": "emit",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 731,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 594,
          "name": "emit",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Synchronously calls each of the listeners registered for the event named"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", in the order they were registered, passing the supplied arguments\nto each.\n\nReturns "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`true`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " if the event had listeners, "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`false`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " otherwise.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst EventEmitter = require('events');\nconst myEmitter = new EventEmitter();\n\n// First listener\nmyEmitter.on('event', function firstListener() {\n  console.log('Helloooo! first listener');\n});\n// Second listener\nmyEmitter.on('event', function secondListener(arg1, arg2) {\n  console.log(`event with parameters ${arg1}, ${arg2} in second listener`);\n});\n// Third listener\nmyEmitter.on('event', function thirdListener(...args) {\n  const parameters = args.join(', ');\n  console.log(`event with parameters ${parameters} in third listener`);\n});\n\nconsole.log(myEmitter.listeners('event'));\n\nmyEmitter.emit('event', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\n\n// Prints:\n// [\n//   [Function: firstListener],\n//   [Function: secondListener],\n//   [Function: thirdListener]\n// ]\n// Helloooo! first listener\n// event with parameters 1, 2 in second listener\n// event with parameters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in third listener\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.1.26"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 731,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 595,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 596,
              "name": "args",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isRest": true
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "any"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "boolean"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.emit"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.emit"
      "id": 615,
      "name": "eventNames",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 794,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 616,
          "name": "eventNames",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns an array listing the events for which the emitter has registered\nlisteners. The values in the array are strings or "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`Symbol`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst EventEmitter = require('events');\nconst myEE = new EventEmitter();\nmyEE.on('foo', () => {});\nmyEE.on('bar', () => {});\n\nconst sym = Symbol('symbol');\nmyEE.on(sym, () => {});\n\nconsole.log(myEE.eventNames());\n// Prints: [ 'foo', 'bar', Symbol(symbol) ]\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v6.0.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 794,
              "character": 16
          "type": {
            "type": "array",
            "elementType": {
              "type": "union",
              "types": [
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "string"
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "symbol"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.eventNames"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.eventNames"
      "id": 198,
      "name": "exportChatInviteLink",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 757,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 199,
          "name": "exportChatInviteLink",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 757,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 200,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 64,
      "name": "forwardMessage",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 212,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 65,
          "name": "forwardMessage",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Forward message of any kind.\n   * Service messages can't be forwarded."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The sent message"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 212,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 66,
              "name": "fromChatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the chat where the original message was sent\n                  (in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 67,
              "name": "messageId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Message identifier in the chat specified in "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`fromChatId`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "\n   *"
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 68,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel\n              (in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 69,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The options to provide"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2317,
                "name": "MessageForwardOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 327,
      "name": "getBusinessConnection",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1044,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 328,
          "name": "getBusinessConnection",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1044,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 329,
              "name": "businessConnectionId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 656,
                "name": "BusinessConnection",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 252,
      "name": "getChat",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 865,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 253,
          "name": "getChat",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 865,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 254,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 897,
                "name": "ChatFull",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 255,
      "name": "getChatAdministrators",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 873,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 256,
          "name": "getChatAdministrators",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 873,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 257,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 261,
      "name": "getChatMember",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 887,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 262,
          "name": "getChatMember",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 887,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 263,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 264,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1157,
                "name": "ChatMember",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 258,
      "name": "getChatMemberCount",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 881,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 259,
          "name": "getChatMemberCount",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 881,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 260,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 365,
      "name": "getChatMenuButton",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1202,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 366,
          "name": "getChatMenuButton",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Get the current value of the bot's menu button in a private chat, or the default menu button."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1202,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 367,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target private chat.\n              If not specified, default bot's menu button will be returned"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1467,
                "name": "MenuButton",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 440,
      "name": "getCustomEmojiStickers",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1460,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 441,
          "name": "getCustomEmojiStickers",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1460,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 442,
              "name": "customEmojiIds",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 157,
      "name": "getFile",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 661,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 158,
          "name": "getFile",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 661,
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              "kind": 32768,
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      "id": 272,
      "name": "getForumTopicIconStickers",
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      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
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              "line": 924,
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      "id": 533,
      "name": "getGameHighScores",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1753,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 534,
          "name": "getGameHighScores",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1753,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 535,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 536,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2636,
                "name": "GameHighScoreGetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "reference",
                  "target": {
                    "sourceFileName": "packages/tgkit/src/types.ts",
                    "qualifiedName": "GameHighScore"
                  "name": "GameHighScore",
                  "package": "tgkit"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 585,
      "name": "getMaxListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 647,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 586,
          "name": "getMaxListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns the current max listener value for the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " which is either\nset by "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.setMaxListeners(n)`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " or defaults to "
                "kind": "inline-tag",
                "tag": "@link",
                "text": "defaultMaxListeners",
                "target": 41
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v1.0.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 647,
              "character": 16
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "number"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.getMaxListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.getMaxListeners"
      "id": 53,
      "name": "getMe",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 142,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 54,
          "name": "getMe",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns basic information about the bot in form of a User instance."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 142,
              "character": 7
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1231,
                "name": "ClientUser",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 337,
      "name": "getMyCommands",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1079,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 338,
          "name": "getMyCommands",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1079,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 339,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2435,
                "name": "MyCommandsGetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 372,
      "name": "getMyDefaultAdministratorRights",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1257,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 373,
          "name": "getMyDefaultAdministratorRights",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Get default administrator rights of the bot in channels."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1257,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 374,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2451,
                "name": "MyDefaultAdministratorRightsSetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2438,
                "name": "ChatAdministratorRights",
                "package": "tgkit"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 351,
      "name": "getMyDescription",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1144,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 352,
          "name": "getMyDescription",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Get the current bot description for the given user language"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Bot's description"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1144,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 353,
              "name": "languageCode",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string"
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 344,
      "name": "getMyName",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1115,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 345,
          "name": "getMyName",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Get the current bot name for the given user language"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Bot's name"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1115,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 346,
              "name": "languageCode",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string"
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 358,
      "name": "getMyShortDescription",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1174,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 359,
          "name": "getMyShortDescription",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Get the current bot short description for the given user language"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Bot's short description"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1174,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 360,
              "name": "languageCode",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code or an empty string"
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 512,
      "name": "getStarTransactions",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1690,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 513,
          "name": "getStarTransactions",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1690,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 514,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2919,
                "name": "StarTransactionsGetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2917,
                "name": "StarTransactions",
                "package": "tgkit"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 437,
      "name": "getStickerSet",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1452,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 438,
          "name": "getStickerSet",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1452,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 439,
              "name": "name",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1857,
                "name": "StickerSet",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 51,
      "name": "getUpdates",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 132,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 52,
          "name": "getUpdates",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Receive incoming updates using long polling.\nYou can get all updates in events if you are using "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`client.polling.start()`"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 132,
              "character": 7
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 323,
      "name": "getUserChatBoosts",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1025,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 324,
          "name": "getUserChatBoosts",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1025,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 325,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 326,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2910,
                "name": "UserChatBoosts",
                "package": "tgkit"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 153,
      "name": "getUserProfilePhotos",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 646,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 154,
          "name": "getUserProfilePhotos",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 646,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 155,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 156,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2314,
                "name": "UserProfilePhotosGetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2394,
                "name": "UserProfilePhotos",
                "package": "tgkit"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 310,
      "name": "hideGeneralForumTopic",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 997,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 311,
          "name": "hideGeneralForumTopic",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 997,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 312,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 249,
      "name": "leaveChat",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 859,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 250,
          "name": "leaveChat",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 859,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 251,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 597,
      "name": "listenerCount",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 741,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 598,
          "name": "listenerCount",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns the number of listeners listening to the event named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\nIf "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " is provided, it will return how many times the listener\nis found in the list of the listeners of the event."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v3.2.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 741,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 599,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The name of the event being listened for"
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 600,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The event handler function"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "Function"
                "name": "Function",
                "package": "typescript"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "number"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.listenerCount"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.listenerCount"
      "id": 587,
      "name": "listeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 660,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 588,
          "name": "listeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nserver.on('connection', (stream) => {\n  console.log('someone connected!');\n});\nconsole.log(util.inspect(server.listeners('connection')));\n// Prints: [ [Function] ]\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.1.26"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 660,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 589,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
          "type": {
            "type": "array",
            "elementType": {
              "type": "reference",
              "target": {
                "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
                "qualifiedName": "Function"
              "name": "Function",
              "package": "typescript"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.listeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.listeners"
      "id": 55,
      "name": "logOut",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 155,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 56,
          "name": "logOut",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Use this method to log out from the cloud Bot API server before launching the bot locally.\nYou **must** log out the bot before running it locally,\notherwise there is no guarantee that the bot will receive updates.\nAfter a successful call, you can immediately log in on a local server,\nbut will not be able to log in back to the cloud Bot API server for 10 minutes."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 155,
              "character": 7
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 572,
      "name": "off",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 620,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 573,
          "name": "off",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Alias for "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.removeListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v10.0.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 620,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 574,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 575,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 576,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {
                    "isExternal": true
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "line": 620,
                      "character": 58
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 577,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {
                        "isExternal": true
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                          "line": 620,
                          "character": 58
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 578,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isExternal": true,
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "elementType": {
                              "type": "intrinsic",
                              "name": "any"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": ""
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": ""
      "id": 537,
      "name": "on",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1772,
          "character": 1
      "signatures": [
          "id": 538,
          "name": "on",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Adds the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " function to the end of the listeners array for the\nevent named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ". No checks are made to see if the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " has\nalready been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "and "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " will result in the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " being added, and called, multiple\ntimes.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nserver.on('connection', (stream) => {\n  console.log('someone connected!');\n});\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained.\n\nBy default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.prependListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " method can be used as an alternative to add the\nevent listener to the beginning of the listeners array.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst myEE = new EventEmitter();\nmyEE.on('foo', () => console.log('a'));\nmyEE.prependListener('foo', () => console.log('b'));\nmyEE.emit('foo');\n// Prints:\n//   b\n//   a\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.1.101"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1772,
              "character": 1
          "typeParameters": [
              "id": 539,
              "name": "K",
              "variant": "typeParam",
              "kind": 131072,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "typeOperator",
                "operator": "keyof",
                "target": {
                  "type": "reference",
                  "target": 2336,
                  "name": "ClientEvents",
                  "package": "tgkit"
          "parameters": [
              "id": 540,
              "name": "event",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 539,
                "name": "K",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "refersToTypeParameter": true
              "id": 541,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The callback function"
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 542,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {},
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
                      "line": 1772,
                      "character": 54
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 543,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {},
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
                          "line": 1772,
                          "character": 54
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 544,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "indexedAccess",
                            "indexType": {
                              "type": "reference",
                              "target": 539,
                              "name": "K",
                              "package": "tgkit",
                              "refersToTypeParameter": true
                            "objectType": {
                              "type": "reference",
                              "target": 2336,
                              "name": "ClientEvents",
                              "package": "tgkit"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": 1,
            "name": "Client",
            "package": "tgkit",
            "qualifiedName": "default"
          "overwrites": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.on"
      "overwrites": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.on"
      "id": 545,
      "name": "once",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1776,
          "character": 1
      "signatures": [
          "id": 546,
          "name": "once",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Adds a **one-time**"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " function for the event named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ". The\nnext time "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " is triggered, this listener is removed and then invoked.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nserver.once('connection', (stream) => {\n  console.log('Ah, we have our first user!');\n});\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained.\n\nBy default, event listeners are invoked in the order they are added. The"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.prependOnceListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " method can be used as an alternative to add the\nevent listener to the beginning of the listeners array.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst myEE = new EventEmitter();\nmyEE.once('foo', () => console.log('a'));\nmyEE.prependOnceListener('foo', () => console.log('b'));\nmyEE.emit('foo');\n// Prints:\n//   b\n//   a\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.3.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1776,
              "character": 1
          "typeParameters": [
              "id": 547,
              "name": "K",
              "variant": "typeParam",
              "kind": 131072,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "typeOperator",
                "operator": "keyof",
                "target": {
                  "type": "reference",
                  "target": 2336,
                  "name": "ClientEvents",
                  "package": "tgkit"
          "parameters": [
              "id": 548,
              "name": "event",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 547,
                "name": "K",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "refersToTypeParameter": true
              "id": 549,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The callback function"
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 550,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {},
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
                      "line": 1776,
                      "character": 56
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 551,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {},
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
                          "line": 1776,
                          "character": 56
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 552,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "indexedAccess",
                            "indexType": {
                              "type": "reference",
                              "target": 547,
                              "name": "K",
                              "package": "tgkit",
                              "refersToTypeParameter": true
                            "objectType": {
                              "type": "reference",
                              "target": 2336,
                              "name": "ClientEvents",
                              "package": "tgkit"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": 1,
            "name": "Client",
            "package": "tgkit",
            "qualifiedName": "default"
          "overwrites": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.once"
      "overwrites": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.once"
      "id": 237,
      "name": "pinChatMessage",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 838,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 238,
          "name": "pinChatMessage",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 838,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 239,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 240,
              "name": "messageId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 241,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2427,
                "name": "ChatMessagePinOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 601,
      "name": "prependListener",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 759,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 602,
          "name": "prependListener",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Adds the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " function to the _beginning_ of the listeners array for the\nevent named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ". No checks are made to see if the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " has\nalready been added. Multiple calls passing the same combination of "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "and "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " will result in the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " being added, and called, multiple\ntimes.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nserver.prependListener('connection', (stream) => {\n  console.log('someone connected!');\n});\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v6.0.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 759,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 603,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The name of the event."
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 604,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The callback function"
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 605,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {
                    "isExternal": true
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "line": 759,
                      "character": 70
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 606,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {
                        "isExternal": true
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                          "line": 759,
                          "character": 70
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 607,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isExternal": true,
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "elementType": {
                              "type": "intrinsic",
                              "name": "any"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.prependListener"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.prependListener"
      "id": 608,
      "name": "prependOnceListener",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 775,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 609,
          "name": "prependOnceListener",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Adds a **one-time**"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " function for the event named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " to the _beginning_ of the listeners array. The next time "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " is triggered, this\nlistener is removed, and then invoked.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nserver.prependOnceListener('connection', (stream) => {\n  console.log('Ah, we have our first user!');\n});\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v6.0.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 775,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 610,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The name of the event."
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 611,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The callback function"
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 612,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {
                    "isExternal": true
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "line": 775,
                      "character": 74
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 613,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {
                        "isExternal": true
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                          "line": 775,
                          "character": 74
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 614,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isExternal": true,
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "elementType": {
                              "type": "intrinsic",
                              "name": "any"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.prependOnceListener"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.prependOnceListener"
      "id": 176,
      "name": "promoteChatMember",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 709,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 177,
          "name": "promoteChatMember",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Use this method to promote or demote a user in a supergroup or a channel.\nThe bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have the appropriate administrator rights.\nPass *false* for all boolean parameters to demote a user."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 709,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 178,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 179,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 180,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2404,
                "name": "ChatMemberPromoteOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 590,
      "name": "rawListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 690,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 591,
          "name": "rawListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ",\nincluding any wrappers (such as those created by "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`.once()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ").\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst emitter = new EventEmitter();\nemitter.once('log', () => console.log('log once'));\n\n// Returns a new Array with a function `onceWrapper` which has a property\n// `listener` which contains the original listener bound above\nconst listeners = emitter.rawListeners('log');\nconst logFnWrapper = listeners[0];\n\n// Logs \"log once\" to the console and does not unbind the `once` event\nlogFnWrapper.listener();\n\n// Logs \"log once\" to the console and removes the listener\nlogFnWrapper();\n\nemitter.on('log', () => console.log('log persistently'));\n// Will return a new Array with a single function bound by `.on()` above\nconst newListeners = emitter.rawListeners('log');\n\n// Logs \"log persistently\" twice\nnewListeners[0]();\nemitter.emit('log');\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v9.4.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 690,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 592,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
          "type": {
            "type": "array",
            "elementType": {
              "type": "reference",
              "target": {
                "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
                "qualifiedName": "Function"
              "name": "Function",
              "package": "typescript"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.rawListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.rawListeners"
      "id": 515,
      "name": "refundStarPayment",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1703,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 516,
          "name": "refundStarPayment",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1703,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 517,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 518,
              "name": "telegramPaymentChargeId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 579,
      "name": "removeAllListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 631,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 580,
          "name": "removeAllListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Removes all listeners, or those of the specified "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\nIt is bad practice to remove listeners added elsewhere in the code,\nparticularly when the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " instance was created by some other\ncomponent or module (e.g. sockets or file streams).\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.1.26"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 631,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 581,
              "name": "event",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.removeAllListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.removeAllListeners"
      "id": 565,
      "name": "removeListener",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 615,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 566,
          "name": "removeListener",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Removes the specified "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`listener`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " from the listener array for the event named"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst callback = (stream) => {\n  console.log('someone connected!');\n};\nserver.on('connection', callback);\n// ...\nserver.removeListener('connection', callback);\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`removeListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " will remove, at most, one instance of a listener from the\nlistener array. If any single listener has been added multiple times to the\nlistener array for the specified "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", then "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`removeListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " must be\ncalled multiple times to remove each instance.\n\nOnce an event is emitted, all listeners attached to it at the\ntime of emitting are called in order. This implies that any"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`removeListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " or "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`removeAllListeners()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " calls _after_ emitting and _before_ the last listener finishes execution\nwill not remove them from"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emit()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " in progress. Subsequent events behave as expected.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst myEmitter = new MyEmitter();\n\nconst callbackA = () => {\n  console.log('A');\n  myEmitter.removeListener('event', callbackB);\n};\n\nconst callbackB = () => {\n  console.log('B');\n};\n\nmyEmitter.on('event', callbackA);\n\nmyEmitter.on('event', callbackB);\n\n// callbackA removes listener callbackB but it will still be called.\n// Internal listener array at time of emit [callbackA, callbackB]\nmyEmitter.emit('event');\n// Prints:\n//   A\n//   B\n\n// callbackB is now removed.\n// Internal listener array [callbackA]\nmyEmitter.emit('event');\n// Prints:\n//   A\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nBecause listeners are managed using an internal array, calling this will\nchange the position indices of any listener registered _after_ the listener\nbeing removed. This will not impact the order in which listeners are called,\nbut it means that any copies of the listener array as returned by\nthe "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.listeners()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " method will need to be recreated.\n\nWhen a single function has been added as a handler multiple times for a single\nevent (as in the example below), "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`removeListener()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " will remove the most\nrecently added instance. In the example the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`once('ping')`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "listener is removed:\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst ee = new EventEmitter();\n\nfunction pong() {\n  console.log('pong');\n}\n\nee.on('ping', pong);\nee.once('ping', pong);\nee.removeListener('ping', pong);\n\nee.emit('ping');\nee.emit('ping');\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.1.26"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 615,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 567,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 568,
              "name": "listener",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 569,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {
                    "isExternal": true
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "line": 615,
                      "character": 69
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 570,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {
                        "isExternal": true
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                          "line": 615,
                          "character": 69
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 571,
                          "name": "args",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isExternal": true,
                            "isRest": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "elementType": {
                              "type": "intrinsic",
                              "name": "any"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.removeListener"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.removeListener"
      "id": 288,
      "name": "reopenForumTopic",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 957,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 289,
          "name": "reopenForumTopic",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 957,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 290,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 291,
              "name": "forumTopicId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 307,
      "name": "reopenGeneralForumTopic",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 991,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 308,
          "name": "reopenGeneralForumTopic",
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          "kind": 4096,
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          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 991,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 309,
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                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
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            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 170,
      "name": "restrictChatMember",
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      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 686,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 171,
          "name": "restrictChatMember",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 686,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 172,
              "name": "chatId",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 173,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 174,
              "name": "permissions",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2118,
                "name": "ChatPermissions",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 175,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2402,
                "name": "ChatMemberRestrictOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 210,
      "name": "revokeChatInviteLink",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 788,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 211,
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              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 788,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 212,
              "name": "chatId",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
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                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
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                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
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                "name": "ChatInviteLink",
                "package": "tgkit",
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      "id": 127,
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      "sources": [
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          "line": 535,
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          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Send phone contacts."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The sent message"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 535,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 129,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username\n              of the target channel(in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
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                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 130,
              "name": "contact",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Contact info"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2264,
                "name": "ContactOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 131,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The options to provide"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2269,
                "name": "ContactMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 137,
      "name": "sendDice",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 598,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 138,
          "name": "sendDice",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Send an animated emoji that will display a random value."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The sent message"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 598,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 139,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username\n              of the target channel (in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 140,
              "name": "emoji",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based."
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2091,
                "name": "DiceEmoji",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 141,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The options to provide"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2299,
                "name": "DiceMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 86,
      "name": "sendDocument",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 306,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 87,
          "name": "sendDocument",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 306,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 88,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 89,
              "name": "document",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 90,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2168,
                "name": "DocumentMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 523,
      "name": "sendGame",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1725,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 524,
          "name": "sendGame",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1725,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 525,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 526,
              "name": "gameShortName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 527,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2624,
                "name": "GameSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 495,
      "name": "sendInvoice",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1608,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 496,
          "name": "sendInvoice",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1608,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 497,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
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                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 498,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2495,
                "name": "InvoiceSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
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                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 116,
      "name": "sendLocation",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 445,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 117,
          "name": "sendLocation",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 445,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 118,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
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                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 119,
              "name": "latitude",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 120,
              "name": "longitude",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 121,
              "name": "options",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
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                "target": 2235,
                "name": "LocationMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 111,
      "name": "sendMediaGroup",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 412,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 112,
          "name": "sendMediaGroup",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 412,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 113,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 114,
              "name": "media",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "union",
                  "types": [
                      "type": "reference",
                      "target": 2670,
                      "name": "InputMediaPhoto",
                      "package": "tgkit"
                      "type": "reference",
                      "target": 2677,
                      "name": "InputMediaVideo",
                      "package": "tgkit"
                      "type": "reference",
                      "target": 2700,
                      "name": "InputMediaAudio",
                      "package": "tgkit"
                      "type": "reference",
                      "target": 2710,
                      "name": "InputMediaDocument",
                      "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 115,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2307,
                "name": "MediaGroupMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
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                "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 59,
      "name": "sendMessage",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 182,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
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          "name": "sendMessage",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Send text message."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The sent message\n   * \n   *"
                "tag": "@example",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "```ts\n* // Send basic message\n   * const message = await client.sendMessage('@timnikolsky', 'Hello!')\n   * console.log(`Sent message with content: ${message.text}`)\n```"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 182,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 61,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target channel\n              (in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 62,
              "name": "text",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Text of the message to be sent, 1-4096 characters after entities parsing"
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 63,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The options to provide"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2128,
                "name": "TextMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 76,
      "name": "sendPhoto",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 261,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 77,
          "name": "sendPhoto",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 261,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 78,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 79,
              "name": "photo",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 80,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2139,
                "name": "PhotoMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 132,
      "name": "sendPoll",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
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          "line": 562,
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          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Send a native poll."
            "blockTags": [
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                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The sent message"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 562,
              "character": 7
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              "name": "chatId",
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              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username\n              of the target channel (in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
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                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 135,
              "name": "poll",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Poll configuration"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2278,
                "name": "PollOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 136,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The options to provide"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2281,
                "name": "PollMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 432,
      "name": "sendSticker",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1439,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 433,
          "name": "sendSticker",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1439,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 434,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 435,
              "name": "sticker",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 436,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2470,
                "name": "StickerSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 122,
      "name": "sendVenue",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 504,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 123,
          "name": "sendVenue",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Send information about a venue."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The sent message"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 504,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 124,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target chat or username\n              of the target channel (in the format "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`@channelusername`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": ")"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 125,
              "name": "venue",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Venue coordinates and info"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2247,
                "name": "VenueOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 126,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The options to provide"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2252,
                "name": "VenueMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 91,
      "name": "sendVideo",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 327,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 92,
          "name": "sendVideo",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 327,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 93,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 94,
              "name": "video",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 95,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2181,
                "name": "VideoMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1495,
                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 106,
      "name": "sendVideoNote",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 395,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 107,
          "name": "sendVideoNote",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 395,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 108,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 109,
              "name": "videoNote",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 110,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2225,
                "name": "VideoNoteMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
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            "typeArguments": [
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                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
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            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 101,
      "name": "sendVoice",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 376,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 102,
          "name": "sendVoice",
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          "kind": 4096,
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          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 376,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 103,
              "name": "chatId",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
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                "name": "ChatId",
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              "id": 104,
              "name": "voice",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 105,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2214,
                "name": "VoiceMessageSendOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "reference",
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                "name": "Message",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 181,
      "name": "setChatAdministratorCustomTitle",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 728,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 182,
          "name": "setChatAdministratorCustomTitle",
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          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 728,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 183,
              "name": "chatId",
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              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 184,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 185,
              "name": "customTitle",
              "variant": "param",
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          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 233,
      "name": "setChatDescription",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 831,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 234,
          "name": "setChatDescription",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 831,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 235,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 236,
              "name": "description",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 361,
      "name": "setChatMenuButton",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1189,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 362,
          "name": "setChatMenuButton",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Change the bot's menu button in a private chat, or the default menu button."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1189,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 363,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Unique identifier for the target private chat.\n              If not specified, default bot's menu button will be changed"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 364,
              "name": "menuButton",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Bot's new menu button. Defaults to *MenuButtonDefault*."
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 1467,
                "name": "MenuButton",
                "package": "tgkit",
                "qualifiedName": "default"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 194,
      "name": "setChatPermissions",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 750,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 195,
          "name": "setChatPermissions",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 750,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 196,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 197,
              "name": "permissions",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2118,
                "name": "ChatPermissions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 222,
      "name": "setChatPhoto",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 811,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 223,
          "name": "setChatPhoto",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 811,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 224,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 225,
              "name": "photo",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 265,
      "name": "setChatStickerSet",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 911,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 266,
          "name": "setChatStickerSet",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 911,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 267,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 268,
              "name": "stickerSetName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 229,
      "name": "setChatTitle",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 824,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 230,
          "name": "setChatTitle",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 824,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 231,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 232,
              "name": "title",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 484,
      "name": "setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1576,
          "character": 7
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          "id": 485,
          "name": "setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail",
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          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1576,
              "character": 7
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              "id": 487,
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              "flags": {
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          "type": {
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            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
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            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 528,
      "name": "setGameScore",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1738,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 529,
          "name": "setGameScore",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1738,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 530,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 531,
              "name": "score",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 532,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2630,
                "name": "GameScoreSetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "undefined"
                    "type": "reference",
                    "target": 1495,
                    "name": "Message",
                    "package": "tgkit",
                    "qualifiedName": "default"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 582,
      "name": "setMaxListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 641,
          "character": 16
      "signatures": [
          "id": 583,
          "name": "setMaxListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "By default "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s will print a warning if more than "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`10`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " listeners are\nadded for a particular event. This is a useful default that helps finding\nmemory leaks. The "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter.setMaxListeners()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " method allows the limit to be\nmodified for this specific "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " instance. The value can be set to"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`Infinity`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " (or "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`0`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ") to indicate an unlimited number of listeners.\n\nReturns a reference to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ", so that calls can be chained."
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.3.5"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 641,
              "character": 16
          "parameters": [
              "id": 584,
              "name": "n",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "this"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.setMaxListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.setMaxListeners"
      "id": 147,
      "name": "setMessageReaction",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 623,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 148,
          "name": "setMessageReaction",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 623,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 149,
              "name": "chatId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2092,
                "name": "ChatId",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 150,
              "name": "messageId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 151,
              "name": "reaction",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "reference",
                  "target": 2901,
                  "name": "Reaction",
                  "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 152,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2908,
                "name": "MessageReactionSetOptons",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 330,
      "name": "setMyCommands",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1052,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 331,
          "name": "setMyCommands",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1052,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 332,
              "name": "commands",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "reference",
                  "target": 647,
                  "name": "BotCommand",
                  "package": "tgkit",
                  "qualifiedName": "default"
              "id": 333,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2429,
                "name": "MyCommandsSetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 368,
      "name": "setMyDefaultAdministratorRights",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1232,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 369,
          "name": "setMyDefaultAdministratorRights",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Change the default administrator rights requested by the bot\nwhen it's added as an administrator to groups or channels.\nThese rights will be suggested to users, but they are free to modify the list before adding the bot."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1232,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 370,
              "name": "rights",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Object describing new default administrator rights.\n              If not specified, the default administrator rights will be cleared."
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2438,
                "name": "ChatAdministratorRights",
                "package": "tgkit"
              "id": 371,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2451,
                "name": "MyDefaultAdministratorRightsSetOptions",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 347,
      "name": "setMyDescription",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1131,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 348,
          "name": "setMyDescription",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Change the bot's description, which is shown in the chat with the bot if the chat is empty"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1131,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 349,
              "name": "description",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "New bot description; 0-512 characters.\n                   Pass an empty string to remove the dedicated description for the given language."
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 350,
              "name": "languageCode",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, the description\n                    will be applied to all users for whose language there is no dedicated description."
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 340,
      "name": "setMyName",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1102,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 341,
          "name": "setMyName",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Change the bot's name"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1102,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 342,
              "name": "name",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "New bot name; 0-64 characters.\n            Pass an empty string to remove the dedicated name for the given language."
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 343,
              "name": "languageCode",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, the name\n                    will be shown to all users for whose language there is no dedicated name."
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 354,
      "name": "setMyShortDescription",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1161,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 355,
          "name": "setMyShortDescription",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Change the bot's short description, which is shown on the bot's profile page\nand is sent together with the link when users share the bot"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1161,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 356,
              "name": "shortDescription",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 357,
              "name": "languageCode",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code. If empty, the short description\n                    will be applied to all users for whose language there is no dedicated short description."
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 519,
      "name": "setPassportDataErrors",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1710,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 520,
          "name": "setPassportDataErrors",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1710,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 521,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 522,
              "name": "errors",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "reference",
                  "target": 2667,
                  "name": "PassportElementError",
                  "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 463,
      "name": "setStickerEmojiList",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1535,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 464,
          "name": "setStickerEmojiList",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1535,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 465,
              "name": "sticker",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 466,
              "name": "emojiList",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 467,
      "name": "setStickerKeywords",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1542,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 468,
          "name": "setStickerKeywords",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1542,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 469,
              "name": "sticker",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 470,
              "name": "keywords",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 471,
      "name": "setStickerMaskPosition",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1549,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 472,
          "name": "setStickerMaskPosition",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1549,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 473,
              "name": "sticker",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 474,
              "name": "maskPosition",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": 2113,
                "name": "MaskPosition",
                "package": "tgkit"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 456,
      "name": "setStickerPositionInSet",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1522,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 457,
          "name": "setStickerPositionInSet",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1522,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 458,
              "name": "sticker",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 459,
              "name": "position",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 479,
      "name": "setStickerSetThumbnail",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1568,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 480,
          "name": "setStickerSetThumbnail",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
              "line": 1568,
              "character": 7
          "parameters": [
              "id": 481,
              "name": "name",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 482,
              "name": "userId",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {},
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 483,
              "name": "thumbnail",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "void"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
      "id": 475,
      "name": "setStickerTitle",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {},
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
          "line": 1561,
          "character": 7
      "signatures": [
          "id": 476,
          "name": "setStickerTitle",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {},
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
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      "id": 31,
      "name": "addAbortListener",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 394,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 32,
          "name": "addAbortListener",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Listens once to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`abort`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " event on the provided "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`signal`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\nListening to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`abort`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " event on abort signals is unsafe and may\nlead to resource leaks since another third party with the signal can\ncall "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`e.stopImmediatePropagation()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ". Unfortunately Node.js cannot change\nthis since it would violate the web standard. Additionally, the original\nAPI makes it easy to forget to remove listeners.\n\nThis API allows safely using "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`AbortSignal`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s in Node.js APIs by solving these\ntwo issues by listening to the event such that "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`stopImmediatePropagation`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " does\nnot prevent the listener from running.\n\nReturns a disposable so that it may be unsubscribed from more easily.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nimport { addAbortListener } from 'node:events';\n\nfunction example(signal) {\n  let disposable;\n  try {\n    signal.addEventListener('abort', (e) => e.stopImmediatePropagation());\n    disposable = addAbortListener(signal, (e) => {\n      // Do something when signal is aborted.\n    });\n  } finally {\n    disposable?.[Symbol.dispose]();\n  }\n}\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v18.18.0"
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Disposable that removes the "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`abort`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": " listener."
            "modifierTags": [
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 394,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 33,
              "name": "signal",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "AbortSignal"
                "name": "AbortSignal",
                "package": "typescript"
              "id": 34,
              "name": "resource",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reflection",
                "declaration": {
                  "id": 35,
                  "name": "__type",
                  "variant": "declaration",
                  "kind": 65536,
                  "flags": {
                    "isExternal": true
                  "sources": [
                      "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "line": 394,
                      "character": 63
                  "signatures": [
                      "id": 36,
                      "name": "__type",
                      "variant": "signature",
                      "kind": 4096,
                      "flags": {
                        "isExternal": true
                      "sources": [
                          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                          "line": 394,
                          "character": 63
                      "parameters": [
                          "id": 37,
                          "name": "event",
                          "variant": "param",
                          "kind": 32768,
                          "flags": {
                            "isExternal": true
                          "type": {
                            "type": "reference",
                            "target": {
                              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts",
                              "qualifiedName": "Event"
                            "name": "Event",
                            "package": "typescript"
                      "type": {
                        "type": "intrinsic",
                        "name": "void"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/globals.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "__global.Disposable"
            "name": "Disposable",
            "package": "@types/node",
            "qualifiedName": "__global.Disposable"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.addAbortListener"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.addAbortListener"
      "id": 20,
      "name": "getEventListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 312,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 21,
          "name": "getEventListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns a copy of the array of listeners for the event named "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\nFor "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s this behaves exactly the same as calling "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`.listeners`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " on\nthe emitter.\n\nFor "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventTarget`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s this is the only way to get the event listeners for the\nevent target. This is useful for debugging and diagnostic purposes.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { getEventListeners, EventEmitter } = require('events');\n\n{\n  const ee = new EventEmitter();\n  const listener = () => console.log('Events are fun');\n  ee.on('foo', listener);\n  getEventListeners(ee, 'foo'); // [listener]\n}\n{\n  const et = new EventTarget();\n  const listener = () => console.log('Events are fun');\n  et.addEventListener('foo', listener);\n  getEventListeners(et, 'foo'); // [listener]\n}\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v15.2.0, v14.17.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 312,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 22,
              "name": "emitter",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "reference",
                    "target": {
                      "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                    "name": "EventEmitter",
                    "package": "@types/node",
                    "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                    "type": "reference",
                    "target": {
                      "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "qualifiedName": "_DOMEventTarget"
                    "name": "_DOMEventTarget",
                    "package": "@types/node"
              "id": 23,
              "name": "name",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
          "type": {
            "type": "array",
            "elementType": {
              "type": "reference",
              "target": {
                "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
                "qualifiedName": "Function"
              "name": "Function",
              "package": "typescript"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.getEventListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.getEventListeners"
      "id": 24,
      "name": "getMaxListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 341,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 25,
          "name": "getMaxListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Returns the currently set max amount of listeners.\n\nFor "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s this behaves exactly the same as calling "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`.getMaxListeners`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " on\nthe emitter.\n\nFor "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventTarget`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "s this is the only way to get the max event listeners for the\nevent target. If the number of event handlers on a single EventTarget exceeds\nthe max set, the EventTarget will print a warning.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nimport { getMaxListeners, setMaxListeners, EventEmitter } from 'node:events';\n\n{\n  const ee = new EventEmitter();\n  console.log(getMaxListeners(ee)); // 10\n  setMaxListeners(11, ee);\n  console.log(getMaxListeners(ee)); // 11\n}\n{\n  const et = new EventTarget();\n  console.log(getMaxListeners(et)); // 10\n  setMaxListeners(11, et);\n  console.log(getMaxListeners(et)); // 11\n}\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v18.17.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 341,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 26,
              "name": "emitter",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "reference",
                    "target": {
                      "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                    "name": "EventEmitter",
                    "package": "@types/node",
                    "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                    "type": "reference",
                    "target": {
                      "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                      "qualifiedName": "_DOMEventTarget"
                    "name": "_DOMEventTarget",
                    "package": "@types/node"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "number"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.getMaxListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.getMaxListeners"
      "id": 16,
      "name": "listenerCount",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 284,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 17,
          "name": "listenerCount",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "A class method that returns the number of listeners for the given "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "registered on the given "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`emitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ".\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { EventEmitter, listenerCount } = require('events');\nconst myEmitter = new EventEmitter();\nmyEmitter.on('event', () => {});\nmyEmitter.on('event', () => {});\nconsole.log(listenerCount(myEmitter, 'event'));\n// Prints: 2\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v0.9.12"
                "tag": "@deprecated",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "Since v3.2.0 - Use "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`listenerCount`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": " instead."
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 284,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 18,
              "name": "emitter",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The emitter to query"
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                "name": "EventEmitter",
                "package": "@types/node",
                "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
              "id": 19,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The event name"
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "number"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.listenerCount"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.listenerCount"
      "id": 11,
      "name": "on",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 263,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 12,
          "name": "on",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { on, EventEmitter } = require('events');\n\n(async () => {\n  const ee = new EventEmitter();\n\n  // Emit later on\n  process.nextTick(() => {\n    ee.emit('foo', 'bar');\n    ee.emit('foo', 42);\n  });\n\n  for await (const event of on(ee, 'foo')) {\n    // The execution of this inner block is synchronous and it\n    // processes one event at a time (even with await). Do not use\n    // if concurrent execution is required.\n    console.log(event); // prints ['bar'] [42]\n  }\n  // Unreachable here\n})();\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nReturns an "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`AsyncIterator`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " that iterates "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`eventName`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " events. It will throw\nif the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " emits "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`'error'`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": ". It removes all listeners when\nexiting the loop. The "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`value`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " returned by each iteration is an array\ncomposed of the emitted event arguments.\n\nAn "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`AbortSignal`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " can be used to cancel waiting on events:\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { on, EventEmitter } = require('events');\nconst ac = new AbortController();\n\n(async () => {\n  const ee = new EventEmitter();\n\n  // Emit later on\n  process.nextTick(() => {\n    ee.emit('foo', 'bar');\n    ee.emit('foo', 42);\n  });\n\n  for await (const event of on(ee, 'foo', { signal: ac.signal })) {\n    // The execution of this inner block is synchronous and it\n    // processes one event at a time (even with await). Do not use\n    // if concurrent execution is required.\n    console.log(event); // prints ['bar'] [42]\n  }\n  // Unreachable here\n})();\n\nprocess.nextTick(() => ac.abort());\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v13.6.0, v12.16.0"
                "tag": "@returns",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "that iterates "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`eventName`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": " events emitted by the "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`emitter`"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 263,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 13,
              "name": "emitter",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                "name": "EventEmitter",
                "package": "@types/node",
                "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
              "id": 14,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "The name of the event being listened for"
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 15,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "StaticEventEmitterOptions"
                "name": "StaticEventEmitterOptions",
                "package": "@types/node"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es2018.asynciterable.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "AsyncIterableIterator"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "any"
            "name": "AsyncIterableIterator",
            "package": "typescript"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.on"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.on"
      "id": 2,
      "name": "once",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 199,
          "character": 15
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 204,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 3,
          "name": "once",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "Creates a "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`Promise`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " that is fulfilled when the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " emits the given\nevent or that is rejected if the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`EventEmitter`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " emits "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`'error'`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " while waiting.\nThe "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`Promise`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " will resolve with an array of all the arguments emitted to the\ngiven event.\n\nThis method is intentionally generic and works with the web platform [EventTarget]( interface, which has no special"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`'error'`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " event\nsemantics and does not listen to the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`'error'`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " event.\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { once, EventEmitter } = require('events');\n\nasync function run() {\n  const ee = new EventEmitter();\n\n  process.nextTick(() => {\n    ee.emit('myevent', 42);\n  });\n\n  const [value] = await once(ee, 'myevent');\n  console.log(value);\n\n  const err = new Error('kaboom');\n  process.nextTick(() => {\n    ee.emit('error', err);\n  });\n\n  try {\n    await once(ee, 'myevent');\n  } catch (err) {\n    console.log('error happened', err);\n  }\n}\n\nrun();\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nThe special handling of the "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`'error'`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " event is only used when "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`events.once()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "is used to wait for another event. If "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`events.once()`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " is used to wait for the\n'"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`error'`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " event itself, then it is treated as any other kind of event without\nspecial handling:\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { EventEmitter, once } = require('events');\n\nconst ee = new EventEmitter();\n\nonce(ee, 'error')\n  .then(([err]) => console.log('ok', err.message))\n  .catch((err) => console.log('error', err.message));\n\nee.emit('error', new Error('boom'));\n\n// Prints: ok boom\n```"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": "\n\nAn "
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "`AbortSignal`"
                "kind": "text",
                "text": " can be used to cancel waiting for the event:\n\n"
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst { EventEmitter, once } = require('events');\n\nconst ee = new EventEmitter();\nconst ac = new AbortController();\n\nasync function foo(emitter, event, signal) {\n  try {\n    await once(emitter, event, { signal });\n    console.log('event emitted!');\n  } catch (error) {\n    if ( === 'AbortError') {\n      console.error('Waiting for the event was canceled!');\n    } else {\n      console.error('There was an error', error.message);\n    }\n  }\n}\n\nfoo(ee, 'foo', ac.signal);\nac.abort(); // Abort waiting for the event\nee.emit('foo'); // Prints: Waiting for the event was canceled!\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v11.13.0, v10.16.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 199,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 4,
              "name": "emitter",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "_NodeEventTarget"
                "name": "_NodeEventTarget",
                "package": "@types/node"
              "id": 5,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "union",
                "types": [
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "string"
                    "type": "intrinsic",
                    "name": "symbol"
              "id": 6,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "StaticEventEmitterOptions"
                "name": "StaticEventEmitterOptions",
                "package": "@types/node"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.once"
          "id": 7,
          "name": "once",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 204,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 8,
              "name": "emitter",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "_DOMEventTarget"
                "name": "_DOMEventTarget",
                "package": "@types/node"
              "id": 9,
              "name": "eventName",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "string"
              "id": 10,
              "name": "options",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isOptional": true
              "type": {
                "type": "reference",
                "target": {
                  "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                  "qualifiedName": "StaticEventEmitterOptions"
                "name": "StaticEventEmitterOptions",
                "package": "@types/node"
          "type": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": {
              "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/typescript@5.5.3/node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.es5.d.ts",
              "qualifiedName": "Promise"
            "typeArguments": [
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "intrinsic",
                  "name": "any"
            "name": "Promise",
            "package": "typescript"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.once"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.once"
      "id": 27,
      "name": "setMaxListeners",
      "variant": "declaration",
      "kind": 2048,
      "flags": {
        "isStatic": true,
        "isExternal": true,
        "isInherited": true
      "sources": [
          "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
          "line": 359,
          "character": 15
      "signatures": [
          "id": 28,
          "name": "setMaxListeners",
          "variant": "signature",
          "kind": 4096,
          "flags": {
            "isExternal": true,
            "isInherited": true
          "comment": {
            "summary": [
                "kind": "code",
                "text": "```js\nconst {\n  setMaxListeners,\n  EventEmitter\n} = require('events');\n\nconst target = new EventTarget();\nconst emitter = new EventEmitter();\n\nsetMaxListeners(5, target, emitter);\n```"
            "blockTags": [
                "tag": "@since",
                "content": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "v15.4.0"
          "sources": [
              "fileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
              "line": 359,
              "character": 15
          "parameters": [
              "id": 29,
              "name": "n",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isOptional": true
              "comment": {
                "summary": [
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": "A non-negative number. The maximum number of listeners per "
                    "kind": "code",
                    "text": "`EventTarget`"
                    "kind": "text",
                    "text": " event."
              "type": {
                "type": "intrinsic",
                "name": "number"
              "id": 30,
              "name": "eventTargets",
              "variant": "param",
              "kind": 32768,
              "flags": {
                "isExternal": true,
                "isRest": true
              "type": {
                "type": "array",
                "elementType": {
                  "type": "union",
                  "types": [
                      "type": "reference",
                      "target": {
                        "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                        "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                      "name": "EventEmitter",
                      "package": "@types/node",
                      "qualifiedName": "__global.NodeJS.EventEmitter"
                      "type": "reference",
                      "target": {
                        "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
                        "qualifiedName": "_DOMEventTarget"
                      "name": "_DOMEventTarget",
                      "package": "@types/node"
          "type": {
            "type": "intrinsic",
            "name": "void"
          "inheritedFrom": {
            "type": "reference",
            "target": -1,
            "name": "EventEmitter.setMaxListeners"
      "inheritedFrom": {
        "type": "reference",
        "target": -1,
        "name": "EventEmitter.setMaxListeners"
  "groups": [
      "title": "Constructors",
      "children": [
      "title": "Properties",
      "children": [
      "title": "Methods",
      "children": [
  "sources": [
      "fileName": "packages/tgkit/src/client/Client.ts",
      "line": 109,
      "character": 21
  "extendedTypes": [
      "type": "reference",
      "target": {
        "sourceFileName": "node_modules/.pnpm/@types+node@18.19.6/node_modules/@types/node/events.d.ts",
        "qualifiedName": "EventEmitter"
      "name": "EventEmitter",
      "package": "@types/node"